Wednesday, June 20, 2007

i am still alive..

haha.. yes.. indeed i am still alive.. hadnt had the chance to touch the internet since i left Lisbon, Portugal.. had visited quite a few places and done some crazy things so far..

while i was in Spain watched spanish bull fighting in Madrid.. lost my train pass when i was in Madrid so i had to start buying individual train tix along the wa.. lost a few hundred bucks there.. onli to realise tt actually not buying the train pass from the start would had been cheaper.. but i decided not to let it spoil my Europe Tour n so went on to sun tanned and sun burnt in Barcelona..

when i was in Switzerland.. i felt super bored in Geneva but went crazy when i skydived near the Alps in Interlaken.. wohoo!! thumbs up for tt.. no words can discribe it.. yeah man.. tt was way cool..

hopped on another train n i was already in the fashion city Milan, Italy.. went on for a small trip in Florence n did some dumb silly poses at the leaning tower of Pisa.. haha yeah.. tt was quite fun.. stayed for quite some time in Rome to take a break from all the rushing but it was still realli cool

caught a night flight to Athens, Greece n almost burnt ourselves coz it was realli hot.. nice city..

n now i am in istanbul, Turkey.. gd change after seeing so many churches.. some nice mosques here.. haha

dun have time to process the photos of these places yet.. pretty crazy going ard everyday.. haha but i am uploading some photos from previous trips :p haha..

go check out Amsterdam.. finally managed to properly upload the photos.. got interrupted while doing it in Lisbon.. din had a chance to finish it after tt

will be heading to Eastern Europe n back to Denmark soon to get my results.. wish mi luck..